The Lighthouse is excited to be able to offer food assistance to our community as an outreach of our Community Center.
Hours of operation:
Monday – Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Friday: 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
3000 E. State Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN 46805
tel: 260-255-6413
Give Today!
What to Expect:
Upon your arrival you will be greeted by one of our staff or volunteers at the front desk. In a timely manner, one of our Community Care Managers will sit with you and assist you through our intake process. The Community Care Manager will then accompany you into the Food Bank and allow you to shop and select your food. Before you leave, our Community Care Manager will pray with you and assist you to your vehicle if needed.
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers:
- Do I need to live within a certain zip code or fall within a certain income? No, we have no zip code or income requirements.
- Do I need an ID or documentation? No ID or formal documentation is required.
- What happens when I get there? Please check in at the front desk and one of our Community Care managers will assist you. An intake form will be filled out upon your arrival.
- How often can I visit? You may visit the Food Bank once a week.
- Are their any requirements to coming every week? Yes. After your first initial visit, in order to return and use the Food Bank again, we ask that you attend one of our Support Groups that are offered at various times throughout the week. Click here to see our current groups and the days and times they are offered.
- How much food will I receive? The weight of food given in based on the individual/families size of household.
*For more information please email
We are looking for the following donations:
- Canned Goods: veggies, soup, fruit, pasta meals, etc.
- Boxed Goods: cereal, crackers, and boxed meals
- Staples: rice, pasta, flour, sugar, spices, bread mixes, baking mixes, pasta sauce, peanut butter, jelly, oils, and sauces
- Canned Meat: tuna, pork, chicken, beef, etc.
- Misc.: Paper towels, toilet paper, and trash bags